February 16, 2021

Being Prepared…

I am reminded today as I hear and see all of the disaster happening with the arctic blasts that have ventured far into the very deep south, records and events in areas that haven’t seen anything like this in a lifetime...that yes, many things are certainly out of our control, but being prepared for the unexpected events will help you to look ahead with confidence rather than look back and regret.  Being prepared for a disaster is like being prepared for any other important event in life.

We’ve all learned that the impossible is certainly possible, so we have to be prepared for the worst.  When we fail to be prepared then we really fail.  As we go through those impossibilities in our lives, it is very important to reflect and recognize what is our take away, what are our lessons?   Having thoughtful consideration allows us the opportunity to prepare and to learn something new.

I like to journal, write things down.  For those of that are are visual learners, this helps us to focus, to plan and prepare.   Make your list and outline what makes most sense with in reason to be better prepared, stronger, for more of the impossibilities and great challenges still yet to come.  As you work through those changes to be better prepared for the future will bring about those rewards from accomplishment.

As Pat Riley stated “being ready isn’t enough you have to be prepared….” And that’s half the victory!  I’d rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it as they say.  A positive attitude, discipline, and having good energy, will help you to be mentally prepared for anything.  Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.  We can be better prepared for tomorrow if we are doing our best today.  Being prepared can provide you that sense of freedom, free from worry, free from shock, free from fear or better protected from something worse, and avoid the surprise!

I loved some of the many quotes I found regarding preparedness….

Confidence comes from being prepared

By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail!  (Benjamin Franklin)

Do not worry, just care and be prepared

Every problem is a gift...without problems we would not grow!  (Anthony Robbins)

A student says to his master "you talk about peace but you teach me fighting.  How do you reconcile the two?"  The master replied "It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war."

Remember…it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark…so be ready for the storm!!

If you or someone you know is preparing for a relocation, whether it’s close to home today or far away from what we know is home, no doubt adventure awaits, but being prepared will certainly provide a pleasant and successful experience.  Give Paragon Relocation a call…we are always prepared for just this time!

As Abraham Lincoln once said “I will prepare and someday my chance will come.” 

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