February 01, 2021



Adversity…we all face it!  It can bring out our worst and our best.  I read recently when adversity is avoided or kept from us, it prevents the rich roots of character, learning, resilience, creativity and conviction to germinate.  Adversity can certainly play a vital role in growth and greatness. It is the learning that comes from the adversity that creates the opportunity for growth.

You don’t have to be a genius by any stretch to overcome adversity in your life, albeit easy to feel overwhelmed at times.  It’s well known of course that we humans tend to resist change.  We are such creatures of habit, comfort, passivity, disinterest, indifference, etc.

Covid!  It has certainly caused adversity for all, even though you, your family, friends, and co-workers may have escaped its wrath personally.  But what I’ve found so interesting in all of this is how resourceful we have and are all being challenged to become.   We seem to be even more driven to make it “work”, whatever that is, by being creative, different, appreciative, thoughtful, inclusive, and so on.

What we all make of adversity during Covid and emerging post Covid is our choice.  A few thoughts come to mind:

·        Parents being full-time teachers

·        New programs to support local communities and workers

·        Volunteer for a good cause

·        Move across the country

·        Creativity and innovation in times of crisis

·        Physical engagements pivot and adapt strategies virtually

·        Use of technology to enhance the mission rather than hinder it

·        In that free time…reading more, training for a marathon, adopt a pet

·        Creating time for yourself

·        Connecting with family is so important

·        Deeper appreciation for doctors and nurses, pharmacist, grocery store workers, bus drivers, teachers, and so so many others who are the foundation of our society

Make no mistake…Covid is a terrible terrible thing!  But this virus does also have a silver lining.  Who knows what comes next, but with great challenges also comes great achievements.  Imagine, what we all could accomplish, individually or together, if we challenge ourselves a bit differently during this Covid time….brought about by adversity.  Maybe, just maybe we’ll carry the spirit onward to fight many other global challenges.  Some things will eventually return to what we thought or perceived as our “normal” and other things will be forever changed…resourcefully different J

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